Image by Hector Alejandro.
And…we’re back!
Maybe you noticed I haven’t been posting as much lately. Even before the holidays, I’d slacked off in creating truly useful content. I used Voice Week and computer crashes as excuses, but even without those interruptions, I doubt I would have been able to come up with anything substantial. Honestly, I’ve had to step back from blogging for a very different reason.
I’m running out of things to say.
While this past year, thanks to some awesome suggestions by you guys, I’ve posted some of my best stuff, I haven’t been doing as much learning as I should have. I read fewer books and watched more pointless TV. I wrote less, on the blog and in the old WIP, and I spent more time watching forgettable YouTube videos and browsing the Geek section of Pinterest.
I have allowed the Information Super Highway to become The Great Distraction. And I’m sorry about that. Not just for myself, but for you guys.
Your time is valuable. It’s an honor to be given some of that time every week, and I don’t want to waste any more of it by posting half-conceived notions just because it’s Friday and I always post on Friday.
So here are my resolutions for 2014
- Refuel the Mind. That means reading more blogs and more books, both fiction and non. It also means actually listening to all those free university lectures I got so excited about in August.
- Finish Another Draft of the Old WIP. I call it the Old Work In Progress because I’ve been working on it for more than ten years, but it hasn’t started really taking decent shape until this year, thanks to all the stuff I’ve learned running this blog. Now it’s time for the blog to start learning from the WIP again. Which means making more time for said WIP.
- Post Better Stuff, Less Often. I won’t be writing an article every Friday this year—but there will be at least one new post a month (not including Inspiration Monday, which will continue weekly as usual). And, drawing from things I’ve learned per Resolutions 1 and 2, that post will either be truly useful, or wildly entertaining. Or both. At least I hope so.
This new blog layout (schnazzy, huh?) will allow me to feature some of the more useful posts from the archives, so as you stop by for the week’s InMon prompts, you might run across an article you haven’t seen before, even if I haven’t written anything new that week.
How can you help?
The real question is, how can I help? You guys have always been amazing sports, telling me you’ll enjoy whatever I write. I’m so grateful for that. But I really want to know—what are you struggling with as a writer? What keeps you up at night? Maybe we can figure out a solution together.
Want more of me?
Okay, if you really, actually enjoy reading whatever tickles me or pops into my head, you can follow me on Google+ and/or Pinterest. I post storytelling stuff, nerdy jokes, book recommendations and more.
And that’s all she wrote!