This month’s freebie wallpaper features a quote from The Book Thief, one of my all-time favorite books. Fits 1440 x 900.
So the hosting switch has been made for the most part, but there’ll likely be more visual changes as I work on getting things to look right – and generally figuring out how to work this thing! It’s kind of like driving a new car. I’m having to learn how to use all the new bells and whistles…while trying to locate the old ones.
Here’s something both familiar and new – read up!
The Rules
There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.
No really; I need rules!
Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.
The Prompts:
Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and link back to today’s post (here’s a video on how to do it); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at bekindrewrite (at) yahoo (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)
Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.
Happy writing!
* MC = Mature Content.
Opinions expressed in other writers’ InMon pieces are not necessarily my own.
You might have noticed a similarity between the two cheesy romance examples from the post at the beginning of this month: both start with “two attractive people.” The vast majority of fictional romances share the gorgeousness trait, which seems a rather unfair statement about all the people who aren’t supermodels, like they either don’t fall in love or their stories aren’t worth writing.
But that’s not the only reason we should think twice about writing all our protagonists to look like Greek gods:
It feels amateur. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, character attractiveness is not important to the plot. Unless you’re writing about actual supermodels, taking the time to point out how drop dead gorgeous your protagonists are is a red flag that you are still just recording an elaborate daydream, rather than writing a real story.
It’s cliché. Most real people aren’t beautiful or ugly, but fall into a “kinda cute” grey area, so it might damage your story’s credibility to even hint at once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and a handsome prince.
It feels more silver screen than literature. As Jubilare pointed out in our discussion about the three suspiciously fine looking dwarves in The Hobbit movie, looks are important on screen, but not so important on the page. I would rather look at Christian Bale for two hours than at Steve Buscemi, but the written word is a unique opportunity to get to know and love the Steves without being distracted by all the heart-fluttering nonsense of the Christians.
It doesn’t encourage reader sympathy. There are layers of immersion in fiction. There’s the first, superficial layer in which your readers can pretend for awhile that they are beautiful people doing exciting things. Then there’s a deeper layer in which readers come face to face with characters who are eerily similar to themselves. By extension, every event – good and bad – hits the reader harder, because the unconscious implication is that it could happen to them.
How do you cure Gorgeous Hero Syndrome?
Make their chief attraction subtle. Something only the people closest to them and/or their recently-introduced soul mate would notice. A unique mannerism that becomes an endearment, like the way he shuffles when he’s standing, or (maybe this is a bad example, but) the six smiles of Rosalee Futch in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.
Give them something to be self-conscious about. Even the most attractive people have something about their appearance they don’t like. Something that makes them awkward, even if only in their own minds. Maybe she hates her widow’s peak, or he can’t grow facial hair to save his life. But be careful not to fall into the equally bad cliché David pointed out (and the British Biebers take constant advantage of) – the attractive character who thinks she is ugly.
Don’t talk about appearance as much. You are writing about living, breathing people. Not magazine covers. So focus on expressions, rather than features. Body language, rather than shape. Those are the things that keep telling us about the person after the first-glimpse impression.
Related stuff:
6 ways first person narrators can describe themselves
5 ways to make your characters more believable
In other news: Welcome to the new digs, everybody! WP Support kindly moved my followers over here yesterday, but I seem to have gained more than 100 followers in the shuffle, so I suspect some people got double-subscribed? If any of you receive this email twice, you might need to adjust your subscription settings. I’m sorry for the annoyance!
**UPDATE** I’ve been in contact with WP support, and they are going to move all you subscribers over – so no need to re-subscribe. Stay tuned! ***
I’m currently switching over from free to self-hosted WordPress. Things are going to look a little different here, and I’m not sure my subscriptions have carried over yet.
If you came here via email/subscription/follow, leave a comment and tell me!
Otherwise, check back Saturday for updates. You may need to re-subscribe.
So sorry for the inconvenience, folks!
Important news: I’m working on transferring this site from free WordPress to self-hosted this week. This process should be invisible to you all, but just in case there are technical difficulties – be warned. And wish me luck!
In other news, ooooo, look at all the great work this week! And Chris has another pub credit to his name, in AntipodeanSF. Great stuff, Chris. Not that any of us are surprised. : )
The Rules
There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.
No really; I need rules!
Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.
The Prompts:
Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and link back to today’s post (here’s a video on how to do it); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at bekindrewrite (at) yahoo (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)
Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.
Happy writing!
* MC = Mature Content.
Opinions expressed in other writers’ InMon pieces are not necessarily my own.