Inspiration Monday: Faith in Smoke

Busy, busy, busy. I imagine you all are, too – hence the quietude these past weeks.

But my two star InMonsters keep coming back week after week! And always bringing something interesting!



Inspiration Monday logo

The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:







Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and then give me the link in the comments below (I’ll also love you more if you link back to me); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at stephanie (at) bekindrewrite (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

Inspiration Monday: Escalator to Heaven

There’s a lady who’s even richer than the lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold, and she paid the establishment to install an escalator.

Lots of fun packed into two stories this week:



Inspiration Monday logo

The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:







Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and then give me the link in the comments below (I’ll also love you more if you link back to me); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at stephanie (at) bekindrewrite (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

Inspiration Monday: Nervous System

Interstellar. IMAX. Groundbreaking? No. Really really cool? Yes. Go.

And the plot thickens in this week’s reading materials:



Inspiration Monday logo

The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:






Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and then give me the link in the comments below (I’ll also love you more if you link back to me); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at stephanie (at) bekindrewrite (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

Inspiration Monday: Perpetual Motion Sickness

How many books can you read at once before Raskolnikov exacts revenge upon the great white whale while flying a B-24 across the South Pacific?

Never mind. Read about how a super strong misnamed monster searches for its next host:





Inspiration Monday logo

The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:






Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and then give me the link in the comments below (I’ll also love you more if you link back to me); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at stephanie (at) bekindrewrite (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts Writers Will Love

Christmas. It’s coming. And if you are buying a gift for a writer, you may be wondering what, besides a gift card to Half Price Books (be still my heart) you can give them.

Well, you’re in luck. Me, my writerly self, and I have been compiling an awesome-gifts list for more than a year now. I’ve only included the best; truly special items with a definite literary connection. Oh yes.

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #1 AquaNotes

1. AquaNotes

Maybe it’s the steam. Maybe it’s the shampoo. I’ve heard something about negative and positive ions. But whatever it is that makes the shower the ideal place for ideas, here’s a way to capture them. These waterproof note pads and pencils stick on the shower wall, where you can jot down your ideas instead of losing them down the drain. $7.

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #2 Tequila Mockingbird


2. Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist

Here’s something Hemingway wouldst assuredly approve of. With book-inspired cocktail recipes from The Pitcher of Dorian Grey Goose to the Last of the Mojitos (you’ll also have to buy some actual alcohol, of course), you’ll have everything you need to write drunk. Or at least buzzed; BeKind doesn’t want to you become an alcoholic. $12

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #3 Pulp-o-Mizer Custom Pulp Magazine Covers


3. Pulp-o-Mizer

Vintage and cheesiness join together in perfect harmony. Help your writer imagine his or her own masterwork as an old-timey pulp sci-fi magazine. You customize the cover, choosing backgrounds, images and headlines – maybe incorporate some quotes and themes from your writer’s work in progress. Then order it in posters, mugs, notebooks and more. $10-60.


10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #4 book pillows4. Book Pillows

Cuddle up with fluffy classics. These pillows are the perfect accent for another thing every writer wants—a window seat. In a library. With rolling ladders. Basically, these are a great alternative if you can’t afford the castle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. $18-50



5. Fandom Teas10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #5 fandom teas

Ever wonder what your favorite characters would taste like if they were teas? Okay, me neither, but now you never have to! If there’s a fandom for it, chances are Adiago Teas has a blend. Or twelve. We’re talking everything from Tolkien to Welcome to Night Vale. Thanks to Victoria for turning me on to them. Six-blend sampler: $20.

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #6 literary quote posters6. Literary Quote Posters

Sound great in your ears; look great on your wall. Oh so artsy. Oh so literary. Tack them above the writer’s desk. Stare at them broodingly while sipping cappuccinos. By ObviousState on Etsy. $24.


10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #7 periodic table of storytelling poster


7. Periodic Table of Storytelling Poster

You don’t have to write formula fiction to have a formula for your fiction. Check out this visual guide to storytelling based on tropes from, which is probably one of your writer friend’s favorite Internet haunts. Depending on size: $25-80.


10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #8 personalized classic novels


8. Personalized Classics

Does your writer friend identify with Elizabeth Bennett or any number of other classic literary heroes? Through Firebox, you can order a classic novel, with the character names replaced with the names of people you know. Your writer friend will either think this is hilarious, or blasphemous. Proceed at your own risk. $30.

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #9 Fentiman's dandelion drink9. Dandelion Wine

More accurately, Fentiman’s Dandelion & Burdock soda, which probably is the closest you will get to dandelion wine without making it yourself. Must be accompanied by a Ray Bradbury quote. You can order it through Walmart, of all places, for about $50 plus $30 for shipping and handling if you’re on the west side of the pond. That stuff has to travel from Northumberland, y’all. But you’ll get the prize for being the coolest gift-giver everer. $80.

10 Drool-Worthy Gifts for Writers - #10 antique typewriter10. Antique Typewriter

Every writer wants one, but most of us are too practical (read: poor) to shell out a couple hundred bucks on a really nice one. But just look at them. LOOK AT THEM. Imagine the bounce of the keys. The delicious snap as each letter flies onto the paper. The satisfying riiiip as you pull out a finished page. You are a lone reed… $200-500.


Fellow writers, leave your own gift suggestions in the comments.