Flash Fiction: The Mysterious Case of the Marshmallow Mushroom Forest

I wrote this piece for Jubilare, who figured out a way to redeem her awesome points. She gave me a writing challenge. The prompt: “The Mysterious Case of the Marshmallow Mushroom Forest.” No other stipulations. This is what I came up with. I hope you like it, Anne!

Photo by Reb

The story you are about to read is fiction. The names have been made up to protect no one, because none of the characters actually exist.

The Mysterious Case of the Marshmallow Mushroom Forest

This is the kitchen. Suburbia, USA. A canvas of bacon grease, Kool Aid stains, and Cheerio dust. A place where juveniles come to sneak M&Ms and adults come to swig whiskey when one too many episodes of Spongebob has made them forget they never bought any. A place for cooks, Pinterest addicts, and me.

I carry a bowl.

It’s Tuesday, March 15. It’s a sunny day, I’m working the breakfast shift out of the Your Turn division. My partner’s the Mrs. My name’s Daddy.

8:02 a.m., I pull in at the door just like any other morning. It takes me six steps to get to the pantry. When I arrive, the cereal box is waiting for me. It’s open.

Warily, I pour a little into the bowl. I don’t see any bugs, but something else isn’t right.

The Mrs. arrives on the scene, yawning.

“You were up late last night.”

“He kept begging for one more chapter.”

“Dahl again?”

“Carroll. He’ll be drawing white rabbits for weeks.”

I glance at the refrigerator. It’s plastered with a construction paper panorama of a factory. Cotton balls stream out of the smoke stacks, and at the front gate, little men drawn with orange crayon are carting out magazine clippings of candy bars. For a moment, I consider the difficulty of adding a top coat of grinning cats and smoking caterpillars over the three-dimensional collage, but the Mrs. interrupts my thoughts.

“These Cheerios are deformed.”

“They’re Lucky Charms.”

We both look in the bowl. Then we look at each other. It strikes us at the same moment.

“No marshmallows.”

8:05 a.m.. We call the suspect into the dining room. We place the Lucky Charms box and the half-filled bowl on the table in front of him. We stare at him: Me. the Mrs. The cartoon man in the green top hat.

“Ben. Did you eat all of the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms again?”


We glance at each other.

“I dedn’t eat the mushrellows!”

“Then what happened to them?”

“I glueded them.”

“Glued them? To what?”

The suspect jumps from his chair and runs out of the room. We chase him down the hall, and arrive in his bedroom at 8:06 a.m.. He is at his drawing table, holding a sheet of paper.

“I glueded them to the forest.”

We look at the paper. It is spattered with hard sugar hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. A fat worm is outlined with green marker, and a girl in a blue dress towers over him.

“See?” says the suspect. “These ones make you grow big and tall. But thoses makes you  get shrunk.”

“All we want are the facts, Ben. Why did you glue marshmallows to the paper?”

“I think they’re mushrooms, Joe.”

“Mushrellows. I couldn’t find any musher-rooms. This is a subs-ta-toot.”

“I guess they do sound alike.”

“No, silly Mommy.” He pats her arm.

“No? Then why did you use marshmallows?”

“Becuzzz. The Hatter says they’re magically delicious.”

Upon closer inspection of the cereal box, the Mrs. finds that the cartoon man indeed bears a striking resemblance to the character known as “the Mad Hatter.”

On March 15, at 8:09 a.m. the suspect appears in court before a jury of his parents. The jury finds the defendant guilty of cereal killing and sentences him to a stern reprimand.

This is the kitchen. Suburbia, USA. It’s a wasteland of lopsided art projects encrusted with peanut-butter-and-jelly stains. It’s a den of thievery, now made just a little bit safer. It’s a place for breakfast – maybe not cereal; maybe eggs this time – breakfast for the Mrs. And the munchkin. And me.

I carry a skillet.


Voice Week 2012: Friday

I survived the wedding! Now still catching up on linking, commenting, replying, etc., but also still hanging with relatives and friends from out of town, so I may not completely catch up until tomorrow.

I forgot, since last year, how fun this project is!

Here’s my piece to end the week!

"Today my voice is ______."

Hurricanes deleted. Tsunamis deleted. Rained-out picnics deleted. All forms of natural precipitation deleted worldwide for 6 months and counting. Post millennia, they hacked even weather. They proved there was no God.

That they were alone.

Her browser displayed Lawn East. Yellow sun. Blue sky. Always blue. She denied tears—facial secretions required quarantine. 

A smudge on screen. “Screen, sanitize,” she said. Wiper passed over 3 times.

1 smudge now 2.

 2 smudges 5.

Not smudges on screen; drops on lens.

Not scheduled. Not possible.

Sky shook. She shook. Large drops fell inside and out.

What type of story does this feel like to you? When does it take place? Tell me in the comments!

Check out the Voice Week homepage for links to everyone’s voices.

Voice Week 2012: Thursday

Voice number four for the prompt “rained out picnic.”

"Today my voice is ______."

She kept waking up to check the forecast on her phone. Little green pixel clouds were jerking across the map with fun-killing rhythm – like the theme from Psycho. She cussed out the screen. Didn’t help. By the a.m. the sky was oozing out gross beads of cloud sweat. She almost chucked her phone at the wall. That stupid party was the only cool thing she had planned all summer. Co-ed and unsupervised. Glow sticks and guitars. Diet Coke and Mentos. Nixed by bleeping weather. EPIC FAIL. 

What type of story does this feel like to you? When does it take place? Tell me in the comments!

Check out the Voice Week homepage for links to everyone’s voices.

Voice Week 2012: Wednesday

Third voice for the prompt “rained out picnic.”

"Today my voice is ______."

Despite many earnest supplications sent heavenward, the weather banished any hope of their having the picnic. Dingy clouds ruffled the sky upon the bleak sunrise, bellowing grumbles tickled the hills at mid-morning  and by noon the whole countryside was dowsed in water and broken hearts. Consequently, large drops fell inside the house as well as out. She sat at the window sniffling, feeling rather betrayed. For though the Lord had promised Noah He would never again destroy the whole earth with rain, her world seemed wholly ruined.

What type of story does this feel like to you? When does it take place? Tell me in the comments!

Check out the Voice Week homepage for links to everyone’s voices.

Voice Week 2012: Tuesday

Second voice for the prompt “rained out picnic.”

"Today my voice is ______."

She wist not what howling winds and dank rains

The heavens might let fall that merry day,

So kneeling her down before the window,

Begged Saint Medard sunshine for the morrow.

But when the morrow did come and the birds

With their joyful singing should have waked her,

She woke instead to drumming from the skies

On the roof, and then on sleeve from her eyes.

What type of story does this feel like to you? When does it take place? Tell me in the comments!

Check out the Voice Week homepage for links to everyone’s voices.