Inspiration Monday: Confined to Quarters

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Dug my car out of three inches of solid ice this morning, but still didn’t go anywhere today. Generally, not leaving the house all day is one of my favorite pastimes, but after four days, I’m ready to breathe the free air again. Here’s hoping the roads are clear tomorrow!

Meanwhile, you can always cozy up with some InMon stories:

DJMatticus and another





The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:






Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and link back to today’s post; I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at bekindrewrite (at) yahoo (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

About Stephanie Orges

Stephanie is an award-winning copywriter, aspiring novelist, and barely passable ukulele player. Here, she offers writing prompts, tips, and moderate-to-deep philosophical discussions. You can also find her on and Pinterest.
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  1. Sorry to hear you’re iced in. It’s pretty bad when you get cabin fever and look forward to getting outside to dig the car out. Take care!

  2. So sorry you are confined, but glad it allowed you time to come up with these prompts! Here’s mine:

  3. Pingback: In Time: Challenged | My Write Side

  4. Pingback: No word of a lie | Blog of the imaginator

  5. Pingback: Crime Scene Investigation | Perceptive Pot Clueless Kettle

  6. Pingback: In Time: Challenged | Our Write Side

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