Inspiration Monday: lucid dream

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Even when I realize I am dreaming, I can rarely think of anything cool to do in the dream. The other day I couldn’t dial my phone and realized I was dreaming, so all I did was try to wake up. Argh! What do y’all do in lucid dreams? Fly? Meet fictional characters? Or whatever random thing you can think of?

Maybe you read flash fiction. It’s never the same when you read it twice:

Chris and another








The Rules

There are none. Read the prompts, get inspired, write something. No word count minimum or maximum. You don’t have to include the exact prompt in your piece, and you can interpret the prompt(s) any way you like.


No really; I need rules!

Okay; write 200-500 words on the prompt of your choice. You may either use the prompt as the title of your piece or work it into the body of your piece. You must complete it before 6 pm CST on the Monday following this post.

The Prompts:






Want to share your Inspiration Monday piece? Post it on your blog and link back to today’s post (here’s a video on how to do it); I’ll include a link to your piece in the next Inspiration Monday post. No blog? Email your piece to me at bekindrewrite (at) yahoo (dot) com. (I do reserve the right to NOT link to a piece as stated in my Link Discretion Policy.)

Plus, get the InMon badge for your site here.

Happy writing!

* MC = Mature Content.

Opinions expressed in other writers’ InMon pieces are not necessarily my own.

About Stephanie Orges

Stephanie is an award-winning copywriter, aspiring novelist, and barely passable ukulele player. Here, she offers writing prompts, tips, and moderate-to-deep philosophical discussions. You can also find her on and Pinterest.
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  1. I’m a huge fan of lucid dreaming, I try to do it as often as I can – I find the best way to take control is that, once I realise I’m dreaming I try to look at my hands. Stare at them for a bit, and try to remember I’m dreaming.

    Although, I did once dream that I strangled someone – it was so real, I felt it. I then had to run from the cops, and stay in hiding. I LIVED every single minute of my life, running from the man. I LIVED that life, like ten years. It honestly felt like every single minute of those years was REAL. Terrifying.

    • How awful. Of course, my writer mind automatically wonders if you actually entered the mind of a murderer for a decade and now you are the only person on earth who can catch him – but you’ve spent so much time in his mind, you’re not sure you want to.

      I dreamed War of the Worlds the other night (not the first time) and I killed a rather human-looking alien by slashing him with a flimsy metal rod thing. I don’t think I was actually myself, but I did look away whilst slashing him. It was one of those dreams with a constant sense of impending doom. Wish I could’ve realized I was dreaming that one.

  2. Pingback: Tanuki – A to Z Blogging Challenge | chriswhitewrites

  3. Here we go, Tanuki, written for the A to Z Blogging Challenge, so yes, it’s about another Japanese monster.

  4. Pingback: Friday Flash: Coffee and Cigarettes | writersclubkl

  5. Pingback: Dreamspell | The Muse Unleashed

  6. Pingback: Childs Play [Short Story] | The Sardonic Scribbler.

  7. Hey guys, cutting is insanely fine as the week wraps up but I managed to finish my InMon submission so here ye go! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Desires | Words Speak, I Write

  9. Whenever i lucid dream, i always go for flying. For me, that’s the coolest sensation that can not be replicated in real life.

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